Saturday, September 21, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (Sept. 21)

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews.  Be sure to check out her site where you can find the link to the others participating in this meme.

For review:

                    Poor Little Dead Girls by Lizzie Friend

                     Sidelined by Kendra C. Highley


                                   What did you pick up this week?


  1. Oh, Poor Little Dead Girls, definitely checking that one out! Happy reading. :)

    Heres my StS

    -New Bloglovin follower.

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  2. I've been seeing Sidelined on everyone's blogs today! I'm definitely gonna have to add it to my TBR list when it comes out next month!

    This is the first I've seen of Poor Little Dead Girls but it looks really good!

    Great haul!

    1. I'm excited to read them! Thanks for checking out my StS!

  3. Fun looking books! The only one I've read is Seduction and Snacks. It's cute, but a little too much internal banter for me. Also, be prepared to read the word "vagina" a lot, lol ;)

    My STS:

    1. I actually just finished reading it and I have to agree. The author was a little wordy at times but I thought it was still a fun read. Definitely a nice break from all the angsty stories I'm always reading!

      Thanks for stopping by :) I'll be checking your StS out.
